Membership Enrollment:
- Our Alakaapoor Township Association is purely governed & run by the custom made By Laws specific to our Township.
- The membership can be obtained by submitting the duly filled-up membership form and the prescribed fees.
- Association Membership is only for the residents in our Alakaapoor Township, Neknampur & acceptance of Bylaws.
- Every resident has to comply with the Bylaws of our Association and cooperate in smooth, peaceful running of association and Township activities.
Membership Fees:
For Residents:
- One time registration fees : Rs. 200/-
- Monthly maintenance charges: Rs 100/-
For NON Residents:
- Park Entry Fees : Rs. 200 /- ( Monthly)
Bank details for online transaction to the Association Bank Account.
- Account Name: Alakaapoor Township Residents Welfare Association
- Bank Name: Andhra Bank
- Account No: 156710100045338
- ISFC Code: ANDB0001567
- Branch: Manikonda
Please Note:
- Inform the treasurer (Ph: 9676980540) about your online transfer with reference number. Also obtain the receipt for all the payments, with out which the payments are not considered as valid.
- ATRWA is not responsible for funds / materials, which are not having due acknowledgement.
- Donations are different & monthly membership fees are different.